Daze - Based in London and inspired by the confidence, beauty and style of the typical London girl. Daze offers minimal, fresh and unique clothing that is hard to come by in your local shopping mall. Constantly searching, we update this website weekly so there is always something new on offer. 

After working very closely with the brand in the past, as soon as the new pieces were in I couldn't wait to be a part of it.. There's some edgy one-off pieces as well as your every day pieces but at a good price! Normally people promote a brand to big them up and because they were paid too but I wasn't and I really do mean what I say when I recommend them! I really feel that bloggers should represent the smaller boutiques who work extra hard and get personally involved in what they believe will look great on you.. Daze as a brand have been estalblished for a while but they really wanted to invest time in to getting it right, selling top qaulity products, build a loyal customer base who know just how great Daze's products are.. These things can't be rushed.
I really hope that they continue to grow and develop, if you don't usually go for the unknown and haven't tried shopping boutique, then I recommend it is definitely worth the shot! There is a really nice collection of a 90's crisp feeling in their brand; I would say a little bit of American Apparel meets Topshop unique meets maybe a tiny bit of Urban Outfitters, but take a look none the less and leave some feedback! Thanks for viewing.


  1. Absolutely love these pieces, you look gorgeous as well! ♥


  2. You look great and the clothes look cool. I also agree that bloggers should big up smaller brands that they love.


    1. Thank darling.. I totally agree, its so important to support each other
      Lots of love :) xxx


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