Dress - ASOS / Blazer - Topshop / Hat - Topshop / Bag - &Other Stories

Don't you just love a summer wedding!

My boyfriend and I were invited to a wedding in which he took the pictures! (Not just of me for once, but clearly quite a few) and because I have been very busy recently, I didn't have time to organize or buy an outfit! The only way you can find a last minute outfit for a formal occasion is by the collection of your blazers.. Naturally. This blazer in particular I bought on impulse as it was in the sales and I had hoped for such an occasion to use it for - as for the dress? When I bought this from ASOS a few months ago and it arrived I was actually disappointed with how bright the color was, the picture was a bit deceiving and I hoped for a light navy color but I found the color a bit vibrant for my taste. Having said that, the quality is well worth the price and it's apparent that I found an occasion for it!
In other news I need to stop being a useless blogger! I'm currently organizing a trip to Australia in which we don't even know when the return date will be, as well as starting a new project and writing my novel.. (If anyone would like a snippet, please please let me know as I appreciate the feedback!) so a lot going on right now but thanks for viewing!

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