This week I'm feeling really inspired by the Facebook page I don't want realism, I want magic - There are a lot of cool images on there.. Here are a few I've saved, and the picture of the guy on the last one is how I want my hair? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

I have something to say.. and it is pathetic.
So I'm currently in Melbourne Australia staying with a lovely family, writing stories in my spare time, enjoying being out in the world and then I spend literally 5 days up in the beautiful countryside behind Melbourne. It was very rural there, full of kangaroos and wildlife and there is such a bitter chill in the air.
The house we stayed in was a converted barn - more barn than house
We had 3 huge log fires constantly lit it and ate warm vegetable stew.
Such a perfect setting for a short story, I thought so I decided to write!
I succeeded my 3500 word draft and now I'm going to edit it and give it to my mum.
All well and good?
No.... Because that was 1 per cent of the time, the other 99 per cent of the time was me being miserable because we didn't have wifi. I felt utterly lost and disconnected from the world!
I assumed a lot of people don't have wifi there either and we saw video/dvd stores too.. HOW?
Everyone is very content with life there, very at ease and organised with routine.
The local small town where everyone knew everyone and charity shop work is greatly used by the locals for socialising - I know this because I went in to them a lot, I love listening to conversations.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that i'm so use to everything being there on my door step in London. I order something, I can get it the next day by a few clicks on my phone; I want to go somewhere? Jump on the tube and I'm there.
So what was pathetic is that I felt so lost without wifi for even a few days because I'm so use to always being on Twitter, Facebook, browsing instagram and snap chat...
Imagine if the internet went down?
Imagine life without ASOS?
You get my my jist don't you.. 

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