It is definitely about those times where it doesn't matter about anything else in this world but what lies in front of you and that is how I feel about photography. I need that escape.. That 'I love life' moment is the best feeling in the world and photography can take you on such an amazing journey! I love being part of a generation where everyone enjoys capturing that very moment and to then write and share about that moment with everyone else!
Here are a few pictures from The Wyre Forest in the midlands. I find that walks can do a person a world of good! My boyfriend and I spoke about everything, took some great shots, and had some well deserved fresh air.
I'm very much one of those girls that is always wearing a lipstick and carrying a lint roller and a mirror anywhere I go, but I literally moisturised my face, put on any old tee, my boyfriends coat and some muddy wellies and we were out the door. 
I recommend going if you get the opportunity. It would lovely there on a summers day too! They have a beautiful little log cafe and everyone seems to be really sweet there too..

In other news I have an exciting new opportunity around the corner and I will be blogging and vlogging more than ever before! I'm keen to sell vintage, to start making jewellery, to really live life! 
I've been through a period of time where I felt truly stuck - with absolutely everything. I love fashion, I love beauty, music, writing.. But how am I suppose to earn by those things? I turned to working full time with something that I couldn't truly get to grips with and so I was tired, miserable and then I didn't blog and didn't use my media as much - things that I truly enjoy doing!
So yes, I'm still stuck with what I want to do with my life but instead of moaning about it, I plan to try anything and everything until I get there!

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