It would be obvious to state my love for Zara as being quite obsessive (like most, i'm sure) but one thing that wouldn't be obvious to state is seeing me out of any colour that isn't black. Recently, i'm literally head over heels in love with all things crisp and white right now. 

It was my birthday this week and i have decided that i want one of these jackets! I did buy a sort of cropped white blazer this week from h&m as you can see here but i'm contemplating whether or not it may be too risky buying something white from Zara with the fear or it getting grubby quite quickly! White in terms of attire can be quite risky in general really (I have to be super careful with my new white biba bag - I literally take the dust back everywhere) but one of these babies would go down a treat this summer.. I particular like the waist coat.. Anyway, you will be find out shortly if i do purchase it as it will definitely be in one of my outfit of the day posts! None the less, the more i look at these, the more i can't decide.. Zara, why do you do this to us...

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