Hoops are in and for me, they literally SCREAM Vicky Pollard. I don't know, I think I'm scarred by their comeback in mid-00's when all the popular, sporty janenormanbaggedpurpleeyeshadowed kids wore them. But back they are and I'm rolling with it. I reckon there's a few things that need to be considered though before wearing hooped earrings..

ALL BLACK EVERYTHING. Optional of course. Actually, I'm changing my mind as I type this,  I mean, just don't go crazy ok.

Choose your hairstyle wisely... A sleek do could actually look nice, just consider the whole of your outfit. Maybe sleek hair with tracksuit bottoms and a puffa jacket isn't the wisest choice.

Don't buy cheap hoops. Nothing screams inexpensive than black steel- metal marks. Try these babies!

Don't wear purple eye shadow or liploss. Why? Because 2001 said so.

A scrunchy is OK. Scrunchies are always OK.

Smile. This isn't a joke. You should always make the effort to smile.. Espeically wearing hoop earrings. Your intimidation has been brought up a notch.

Probably best to skip the puffa on this occasion. It's not -10 degrees anymore.. although those silver beauties in Urban Outfitters right now actually make me wish it was.

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