I took to Twitter and asked you guys if you had any questions you'd like to know about travelling! I wouldn't say I've travelled the world but after a trip travelling the Calfornian coast line starting from San Francisco to Las Vegas then to LA.. as well as European cities, including my year in Australia, Thailand and Japan, I'd say I had enough to conjure up a post right?
I won't natter and get straight to the point because it's Sunday after all, and you've obviously got Netflix on tab but promise me this.. You'll consider travelling at one point in your short, little life because honestly, when you're older and it's not so easy to make such a decision you'll thank yourself!
What is the most favourite place you have travelled? @GreenTeaVogue&Me
I won't natter and get straight to the point because it's Sunday after all, and you've obviously got Netflix on tab but promise me this.. You'll consider travelling at one point in your short, little life because honestly, when you're older and it's not so easy to make such a decision you'll thank yourself!
What is the most favourite place you have travelled? @GreenTeaVogue&Me
Anyone who has been on countless holiday's will agree with me when I state that you can't pick an ultimate favourite, its too hard! You like different places in different ways but if I was to answer where I would go again in a heartbeat it would be Japan. Scrap that, Japan will always be my favourite place in the world. I knew I would love Japan before I had even been. Along with New York, Japan is one of my ultimate bucket list and I can't believe I actually travelled and experienced both the city of Tokyo and the real Japanese culture of Osaka! It's expensive though, If you want to travel cheap go with Thailand and Asia, if you have a bit more go with Japan or America.
At what point do you have to go to another country!? @Writing&Rambling
Now! It's 2017 and Im feeling at a loss, putting way too much time and effort into my social media and not gaining any money - I know that I'll always love being a part of the online community as it's my escapism but I can't help but worry about my future career and when I will end up. All I know is CHANGE is the answer so I definitely need to mix things up a little. When you feel like you've seen all there is to see, move on.. if you haven't moved on... See and feel as much as you can! You need to build these chapters in your life. They create memories filled with people and places. No one on their death bed would regret the things they did because they learn from it. My mum often says her clients (she's a nurse for the elderly) wish they had travelled more. You think you have all the time in the world and often people will say things like "In 3 years I'll have these amount of money and this will happen' - truth is, you aren't promised tomorrow. You don't know how your life willl change and it will no longer be easy to travel either. GO AND DO IT BABE.
What advice would you give to someone who was thinking of travelling for the first time? @PatrickLatham
Do it sooner rather than later. I have done a lot in my 26 years but if I started at say 19, 20.. I would have done a lot more! There aren't as many expectations of you when you're younger. Book your first trip though, stop thinking about it and do it.. you don't need tones of money, you can work for your accommodation and some pocket money like most back packers! There won't ever be the perfect time, that's one thing I stress the most! You feel old when you travel old and people are like 17-20.. I know it's a bit ageist but it's true. As you get older people are on good money around you and you feel guilt as you're swanning around with little money and routine. Sooner is better but don't not travel if you ARE older too. Travel is what you make it!
Which place have you been to that surprised you most? @MoxieMcMurder
Egypt which was my first holiday. Not so much travelling, just a general two week holiday and it's the first time I really felt fear! I didn't feel safe there at all and maybe that was because it was my first holiday as well as experiencing a completely different culture! I'm sure I react differently now but it's definitely a place that stands out. It was bad Cairo at that point though. Also after Japan I went home and my boyfriend went to Hong Kong. He said it's the worst place he has ever been! Rude people and expensive. Surprised in a good sense was The Big Sur in California. It's one of my favourite ever places, it's UNREAL. You get a real sense of America there! We went to a camp ground there full of RV's, fairy lights dangling in the trees and a log cabin with a huge stone fireplace, gigantic pizzas and folk music! It was a dream there and can't recommend going there enough!
Whilst travelling, did you ever get to a point where you were worried about money? What did you do? and if you could do it all again what would you do differently? @MelHarding
Of course, It's a natural occurrence! I think everyone has this, even my boyfriend with money behind him was stressing. There are ways of making money while you travel though. Au pairing, cleaning jobs, work for accommodation etc.. They have lots of groups on Facebook. I au paired in Australia for the nicest family ever! I see them as family either now and they really made my experience. It's great to have barista or bar experience too as there are so many jobs! You can also do online work if you're on the go like email response jobs, surveys and writing reviews for websites like Amazon!
I worked for a year and then I knew I would do something after it, I just had too. I didn't even save a lot, I'm not very good at saving! I saved 3,000 but people save even 1,000 after flights and make it work. One guy we met went to Australia with only 250! He worked straight away in fruit picking and moved on to Asia to not work anymore.
Do you have an advice for anyone looking to book that first flight? @LukesCuppaTea
Please just book it. I wish I had sooner as time just flies by and suddenly you are in the same position as 3 years ago and it's such a waste of your life. If you haven't done it and don't wish too, that's fair enough because you're happy but I think you should at least try it once as then you know it isn't for you rather than not trying it sooner! Book an organised trip of a few weeks first if it scares you. The fear was what held me back but once it's faced it works out!
Please just book it. I wish I had sooner as time just flies by and suddenly you are in the same position as 3 years ago and it's such a waste of your life. If you haven't done it and don't wish too, that's fair enough because you're happy but I think you should at least try it once as then you know it isn't for you rather than not trying it sooner! Book an organised trip of a few weeks first if it scares you. The fear was what held me back but once it's faced it works out!
Have you ever felt in danger when being abroad and what would you tell people who are? @HaileyJadeRyan
Yes, the only place was Egypt and Thailand as there was the bombing at the temple the day we arrived so obviously it was scary. The taxi driver refused to take us into the city where our hotel was once we arrived but there are so many tourists generally that you never really do feel scared enough to hate your experience. Just use your own initiative, keep safe, have locks for your belongings in hostels. I never had a bad experience like theft luckily but a lot of people do!
One more thing, book through sky scanner, they will show you the cheapest flights! I like to book through STA as they're organised and offer great deals. I've also found that looking at the best flight companies aren't accurate. I have flown with say Air china, which are meant to be one of the worst and I saved hundreds of pounds with them and found there service to be great!
So there you have it, if you have any other questions don't hesitate to tweet me!
Enjoy your Sunday y'all
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