(Pictures by Daniel Davies)
I've been in Australia for nearly a year and I've only recently made it to Bondi Beach! Can you believe it! I say this because Bondi beach was at the top of the list for my things to do Australia and I was going to make sure I hadn't left until I had been. Since Dan and I have been in Australia and visited somewhere in particular, after we always ask the same question which is 'As good as you thought?" and although yes, we went to Bondi in Winter as well as the fact that we knew that after Wilson's prom in Victoria any other beach would be hard to beat - With all that into account, yes I loved it! Scattered in surfers, skate boarders and holding a huge multi-cultural vibe, there was an instant feel-good atmosphere and as Dan and I sat down on the sea front before we walked the cliff front to Coogee beach we spoke of politics and our future together and at the moment I was feeling pure contentment! I haven't posted nearly as much travel posts as I had hoped on my working visa here and in light of that I wanted to announce my road trip!
I will be on the road for July travelling from the bottom of Australia in Melbourne to the top, Cairns - we will then make our way down along the east coast and I'm taking you with me on snapchat (emilinalove1) vlogs and blog posts once a week (Sunday) This will be a special travel specific month and I would love it if you came along the journey with me!
Let me know in the comments or on Twitter if you have any posts in particular you'd like me to cover or if you will be tuning in, it would be great to hear from you!
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