Lets talk accessories.. 

What's a festival without right? If you don't have a hat at a festival, then who exactly are you because I know you don't wake up with Kim Kardashian hair. This is for when bed head crops up out of the blue along with bestie grease-ball and seriously the hat? It is now your bestest friend. Unlike all those lucky sun-kissed beauties at Coachella, dancing in rain is very likely and even a beanie will do but I strongly recommend a fedora (like this one).. so if rain happens? Well you'll have a shield for your face won't you.. Plus points for looking fit as fuq.

Eyes? Natural but enough! 

I know we like to grace a strong flick out on the field and get all Alexa Chung on everyone's ass but seriously, what happens when it's you out of 10 people behind the twerking fool to get a pint mistakingly poured all over your face.. Panda eyes.. Serious, serious panda eyes. Brighten things up with a lip maybe if that's your thang, just make sure your make up doesn't make you look even more dead.

Fake it..

So you are a basic bitch right, that's fine. Working in an office with your hair tied back and you've booked this festival off work with your valuable holiday allowance.. You don't need to go out and get a tattoo to get down with the kids. Just fake it! Fake piercing's (from here) and tattoo's (also here) are a great but temporary statement to your overall look without the risk of getting sacked Monday morning (sadly this still honestly drives me into every passing piercing parlour I see! 

Belt it up!

So you are a drunken mess, it's cool.. You deserve to let your hair down but belt it up with a statement. You get some crazy people at festivals, you never know what's going to go through your mind after a few too many pear ciders. With a western-styled beauty like this one you are not only adding POW to your outfit but you are insuring that 'mooning' those couple of lads in the opposite tent is too much effort and thankfully won't be something to regret in the morning! Anyway it just look's badass, do I honestly need to justify it any further.

Cute keyring additions, optional but necessary.

You've heard all about my rings, and if you don't already own a cute backpack like this, then I ask you why? They're cute - the more compartments the better - and takes the weight out of carrying around all those daily needs whilst you're out for hours on the field! UNIF have some adorable ones right now that I need in my life but this one in particular was from Sport Gal - cheap as chips and tastes as good.. They ship worldwide and definitely worth the purchase as I find that Sports Gal products are really good in term of good quality for the price, that's why I didn't bother investing in something more sustainable! ..and the keyring? Not everyone's thing but how could I possibly say no to this panda (I don't know if you can tell that I'm obsessed with Panda's (see here) yet but I am. So this? Mine. Don't like Panda's? They have more cute keyring on their website!

Whether it be necklace's, patches or even crazy nail art! What's a festival outfit without accessories, seriously? A jamming funeral in my case. 
Be sure to give me a tweet or message me to show me your pictures!

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