So Emily.. The expiry day for my visa is getting closer and closer and I'm forced to question..

 Where to next?

I have over two months of my visa here and time is going way too quickly. 
Now I've actually just wrote that I feel like I might be sick. Why is it that I'm actually enjoying life and there is a big fat sign in the middle of the road saying 'The End' - Australia make it so incredibly hard for young people to make a life here and it completely sucks, something needs to change there but aside from all of that, a lot of people message me and ask how I've gone about my whole Australian experience. Without going in to too much detail (that post is yet to come) - In brief, I honestly think if you are young (well, younger than 30 sadly - sucky visa regulations) and not in a job you particularly love, you need to do it now!
You don't need a lot of savings - Sell some things and by a ticket and then you can work straight away like I did (there are a lot of jobs here in Australia despite hearsay saying there isn't and you could get farm work instantly.. maybe even a nanny job through social media accounts that advertise for this, a lot are live-in positions too) - whichever you prefer.
Au pairing is quite big here in Australia too, I decided to look in to au pairing in March last year and a lady actually offered to pay for my flight so that I could come earlier without my boyfriend! She liked the fact I had a degree and was older than the typical-teenaged au pair but the point is, sell yourself in the best possible way and you've got it in the bag. 
Oh and another don't need to go with anyone. I know that I went with my boyfriend and the thought of going without him is a little daunting but once you're out here you'll be surprised how much confidence you gain. I've been looking at single flights to north Australia without him and Dan even went cliff diving with some french people he met the night before. It's important not to make excuses for why you aren't going to do things - you'll meet friends for life and at the end of the day you live for yourself and can only blame/thank yourself too.
You will make friends as you're forced to interact and talk to people in hostels or clubs, or wherever you may find yourself. I've noticed that backpackers are the friendliest people in the world! Dan and I went to Tasmania and when we were standing in the queue a couple started talking to us and was telling us where to go that was worth seeing! 
They do packages everywhere too, you are bound to meet people of the same interests and age (Or you can do what I did and add people who had like 'Melbourne Fashion Week' on Facebook - I'm friends with two lovely girls from there!)
If you are quite a shy person, you don't have to meet friends if you don't want too. Just go with the flow, drop in and out and see all the sites! FaceTime your mum every day to blab about how amazing your life ;)
Although it's daunting to think about 'Where to next?" It's also very exciting too.. Obviously I want to spend as much time in Australia as possible but whatever is next after that definitely beats a mundane lifestyle of the same routine in a job that takes up most of your time and yet you dread the start of every week and wish your life away.
If you are happy, than that's fine.. But chances are, if you messaged me about how to go about my Australian experience, you are dreaming of change! 
Before you get settle in a job you actually care for and want to commit too with children and all of that, gain some culture and travel experience in your life, it will do you a world of good! It's such a beautiful world out there full of people from completely different walks of life.. You are forced to either be thankful for your life so far or hopeful to seek and make it better for the future. 
Create chapters in your life, mix it up! Apply for a seasonal rep job if need be, I just know you'll have so many great and amazing memories by getting out there and in turn being a happier person!
A few years ago I was at uni and prepared myself to starting a career after I had finished but I could never really shrug the feeling that there was more to see and do out there.
If I could go back a few years I would have never taken the leap to leaving my job, family and London (my favourite place in the whole world) but I did and I'm so happy that I have because I have experiences more of this beautiful world and constantly seek more and more because of it!
We have one short life in retrospect.. Do as much with it as physically possible.
I might not be sure in the direction my life is taking me in but I know dam well that I will always love blogging, exploring and gaining amazing experiences from this and I reckon that's enough, right?!

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