
..Airy, light crisp shirt from COS (so happy they have COS in Australia) and a pair of black leggings.. done and dusted and out of the door. The weather is highs of 40 this week and we are approaching autumn. The thought of winter arriving kills me! I've managed to avoid it since January last year and now it's around the corner, I'm already searching for fleece onesies! I might as well take full advantage of the heat while I still can! 
So LFW is done with once again and Melbourne fashion week, and my first attendance is in a couple of weeks so I'm excited to experience the difference. Still in Melbourne and you know what, I'm okay with that. Melbourne is a beautiful city and is quite similar to London in many ways and I guess there will be a time in my life where i'm dreaming of Melbourne again.
So yes, not much of a post today but I'm excited to be writing up some brilliant skincare and hair reviews for the coming weeks.. I'm also excited to be getting my hair dyed blonde and hopefully vlogging it as well on Friday so a few exciting posts in the pipe line! But for now, two days until the weekend and Spring (uk) is around the corner, surely these pictures have you dreaming of those t-shirt days once again! 

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