(Diary - Ebay / iPhone Case - ASOS / Notebook and Pen - Handworks)

We shouldn't have to wait until January to establish an organised routine with social media but it's a good excuse to rethink and motivate us in to making some changes. Since I've been in Australia, I've had a lot of time to think about my life and the direction it is heading in. 2016 is my year, and I know what you're thinking 'so cliche' right? But your life is in your hands and your control, your life is what YOU make it and now it's time for me to get organised.
Admittedly I'm quite organised person in general, if I do say so myself but I need concrete direction. You can accomplish what you put it... 


I have bought a 2016 diary. This goes without saying surely? I don't know about you but I need to be reminded every day on uploads, targets and meetings etc... I've found that as I'm getting older a dairy becomes more and more useful. Gone are the days where I would be able to remember at the top of my head. I talk to a lot of you (hey!) and I've found that a lot of my viewers are starting out, we all want the same thing.. Blogging is fun and exciting! There is nothing more satisfying then content that you're proud of and a diary will help you and remind you to do these things! I also found that cute notepads and stationary are such delights.. I get so excited for these things! This year I've really looked at the dates, thought about where I may be at that time so that my blog can be organised around that. Last year I didn't approach the year with a plan, I just knew I wanted to travel more, I didn't think I would be typing this a year later from Melbourne and although being spontaneous is exciting it's important that I build a structure now and prepare for my future too. I have an idea when I will be back in London that won't be concrete but at least I will have plan A and plan B. 

Planning ahead obvz / Scheduling

My main priority this year is my blog.. So I need to plan ahead! For example, I'm going to Brisbane at the end of the month, so I need to be prepared and fully scheduled on my media and posts! Planning way a head is such a big part of blogging but definitely not too far ahead. I established this when I had a month of blog posts ready for when I left for Australia and because the posts were quite drab and rushed I didn't really like any of them thus causing a delay post. Not good. If you're having fun just on the moment, expressively writing up a post and posting it that not that's fair enough, but I definitely think if you are at least a week ahead it can really help if you aren't feeling well, or able. What I love about the blogging community in particular is its acceptance on humanity. Sounds a bit big, but what I mean is how accepting bloggers are of mental health.. vanity.. understanding that there is more than meets the eye. I speak with with anxiety, depression, eating disorder sufferers who are bloggers and planning head is great when those moments in life hold you back. Scheduling reminders on your phone and alarms are really helpful. I've decided this year I would love to interact with bloggers globally! To ease the upset of being away for LFW, I'm looking in to attending Melbourne fashion week and I've added Facebook groups etc as well as being apart of the US bloggers network where you can really get to know other bloggers, bounce of ideas and generally talk to new people.. Working out a way of working around your life with your job and twitter chats and time zones etc is enough to hurt your head but setting reminders and alarms if you have those free moments are really very useful!

Superglue your notebook to your hand 

Maybe not superglue because that would be extremely unhelpful but don't let it out of your sight.. I've been bought a good pocket for my to go in my bag.. it's the little things, right?  for stories, ideas, maybe even songs you've head! I remember  a time very well when I didn't have my notebook on me and I heard a guy on the radio say something about pink floyd and so I needed 'The wall' back in my life.. wrote it on my hand, regretted it, so wrote it on my phone in a text. (People with wifi probably would put it straight into their Spotify, I'm limited and do these things at home). Ideas for posts can come to you when you least expect them and a notepad is pretty useful for those moments! Mines a cute little cracked marble notepad from Handworks (link above)! Sometimes I've been bored and played around on a old picture, a new edit for instagram and liked it.. wrote it down. A notepad is for reals my go to this year, for literally everything.

Health and Contentment

My health and happiness is a big part of getting organised.. with anyone for that matter. It doesn't hurt to check up on these things either. A lot of people I speak with on twitter can be blogging full time, working two jobs, or studying at university with a job and running a blog.. it really is important not to overwhelm yourself with unrealistic targets. I'm guilty myself, I tend to stay up a lot of the night and wake up earlier in the morning, sometimes even 5. Being In Australia means I have to get up at 6 in the morning to interact on social media and post my blog posts to catch UK viewers (as well as family and friends) and going to sleep late at night (something I've always done) I have to remind myself to remember what's important.. Get enough sleep, look after yourself and the rest will follow. When I'm back in London I'll probably do the same but when I need a nap, I'll plan a nap, when I want to watch a movie, I will close my laptop and watch it. Blogging is having it's moment, that's for sure. I've had mine since 2010 and I've seen just how big the community has grown and blogs have developed. Its important to remind yourself about quality of life too! Look after yourself, be happy, sleeeeeep go out for day trips with your family and blog until your hearts content! 

Please comment if you have any questions or just want to leave any feedback, thanks for reading!

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