This weekend we took a trip into New South Wales! Packed some old tops and leggings and we headed out on a 7 hour drive!  In true 'Emily fashion' I felt car sick and we stopped a few times but other than that some of the views we saw were unreal! I wasn't feeling in the mood to dress up and I only took my moisturiser with me and it feels so bizarre how fresh my skin is feeling now it's Monday morning after some fresh air! I love adventure.. exploring and taking in different scenery that Australia has to offer! It's such a beautiful country and you can't help but admire the lifestyle and contentment that the locals hold dear. We saw so many wild kangaroos and witnessed a 'deer in headlights' situation (don't worry, the deer is okay) and funnily enough spoke to a man who was from the midlands in the UK too! It was nice to hear an accent, especially as I've been feeling a little homesick recently around the christmas period.
I'm eager to see more of New South Wales!  I want a trip to Byron Bay to cure my January Blues too.. The possibilities are endless right now and I'm feeling super optimistic! 
If you are around or adding to your bucket list, this is definitely a place to go too! In the winter it's a huge ski resort but it's just as special to see in the summer too.. Let me know how you get on!


  1. Wow that place looks amazing :) I'll have to add that to my list of places to visit. Xx

    1. That's awesome to hear! Would love to know how you got on.. taking a look at your blog now! <3 xx

  2. The view looks magical! I love mountains too but yeah the long car drives can be so exhausting. x

  3. Yeah, I feel so sick but after seeing this view it was well worth it :) xx


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