(Photos taken by Daniel Davies Photography)

So you know when you think Australia is always hot and perfect? Well, don't let them fool you. 
It's spring for like an hour.. followed by summer, autumn, winter then summer again. 
In a day. In that order.
Nope, I kid you not my friends.
Do you know how much of a nightmare this is to plan outfits the night before? 
I've completely given up on checking the weather because you literally never know! 
I thought it was just Melbourne, but with my recent visit to Sydney I've found that it's just as cray 
One of the things I was quite sad about leaving England was autumn fashion followed by layered winters but I've been looking at ciggy trousers and blazers on ASOS as per and in this crazy weather thats perfectly acceptable too.

So Sydney, we saw the Opera House, and bridge, all the usual 'touristy' destinations like the botanical gardens that sit behind the Opera House, which might I add (in my time, I've seen a few botanical gardens) this one is my favourite! We also went out to experience the night-life as apparently Sydney have some amazing eateries and bars so that was a lot of fun.
I don't think there is a huge difference in Sydney and Melbourne, just that Sydney has more of a 'night-life' and Melbourne is more style conscious and arty. 
These pictures were taken in the Botanical Gardens.. We had a sit down in a caged shelter overlooking the harbour and we came across the most beautiful trees and a wedding that was taking place on the harbour edge.
Sydney, although expensive, is one of my favourite places. It reminds me a lot of London too, which Is important when you get those home-sick moments.
I don't see how anyone could visit Australia without visiting Sydney.. It's such a beautiful and interesting city, I'm so excited to visit again.


  1. Totally feel it , when i lived in boston , was a nightmare planning an outfit for the following day!
    but this one you picked was perfect i adore the hat and leather is always a great idea :D


  2. LOVE the outfit!
    Jabeen x


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