(Pocket Jumper / H&M - Shorts / Topshop - Shoes / Ebay - Bag / Vintage)

We all have 'those days' from time to time.. Its those days that you just want  to curl up under your duvet, browsing instagram and twitter...Today is one of those days. It was my day off so a lie in was unquestionable but why is it that when you have one of those days, you feel that applying your make up and sticking on some nice clothes will make everything better... Only to find that it actually doesn't.
Clothes make me happy, fashion makes me happy, but I've discovered today that sometimes you just need to accept that you're feeling down sometimes.
My mood definitely reflects in my outfit today, very simple to say the least but there isn't anything wrong with that because i'm human.
I'm even wearing Topshop's rainy day nail polish to cheer myself up.. cough cough.
I will admit that sometimes I do question how celebrities have the ability to always put a 'face on' ..even the much bigger bloggers and models too, having pictures taken and scheduled shoots.
Some of the shots that were taken today, you could see I was having an 'off day'. Maybe I can be quite expressive.
None the less, I guess the point I am trying to make is that we all get times like these don't we, and as I am now back in my Pj's as I write this post, I can say from experience that wrapping yourself up in your duvet with your laptop and chocolate beats any medicine!

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