Is it okay to kind of like me now?

but don't pretend.

You edit your photo's. The outcome gives you a confidence boost.

not a problem.

It's just not REAL.

What about in 2012 when all I wanted was to be as skinny as Rumi Neely.

A young woman who needed to be someone else instead of looking into my own eyes and accepting who I AM.

It's taken a while.

A good while..

There will always be things I'll change.

My body shape. How easily I gain weight. The size of my eyes. The shape of my face.
My voice.

It's human to lack satisfaction.
But although I loathe time. I thank it.

I thank it because it has made me who I AM.



Just take a moment to sometimes take a step out of your own mind and body and look at yourself from the outside. 

You aren't that bad.

Give yourself a break.

To be continued.

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